Lessons: Middle School
middle school
Your students will see how one political figure used power to show mercy as they explore Jesus’ example of balancing mercy and power.
middle school
Students will discuss change in their lives and in the world as they explore how Jesus changes sinners.
middle school
Students will watch a video about magnetic power to introduce them to the topic of the power of Christ.
Lesson 9
January 26, 2025
Winter 2024-25
middle school
Students will watch a video about preparing for an eventual mission to Mars to prepare them to understand the importance of carrying out their spiritual mission.
middle school
As they focus on coming to see Jesus, your students will hear about TikTok challenges—and talk about what it takes to draw a crowd.
Lesson 7
January 12, 2025
Winter 2024-25
middle school
Students will distinguish between “harmless” temptations and temptations to sin as they watch a video about children who were tempted with sweet treats.
Lesson 6
January 05, 2025
Winter 2024-25
middle school
In order to gain a clearer understanding of identifying with Jesus, students will watch a video about two fraternal twins who can identify with one another despite their differences.
middle school
Your students will discuss watch a video about the best ways to apologize as they explore what it means to have a change of action.
middle school
Students will learn that God became human to demonstrate His love for us.
middle school
Students will come to the understanding that good news can and should be shared.
Lesson 2
December 08, 2024
Winter 2024-25
middle school
Students will discuss the significance of names as they watch a video about the different names for Santa Claus around the world.
Lesson 1
December 01, 2024
Winter 2024-25
middle school
Students will realize the importance of believing that God can do the impossible.