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Real Life Downloaded combines the relevance of what’s happening in the world today with the timeless truths of the Bible to take your Sunday school to the next level! Addressing current, cutting-edge topics and avoiding pat answers moves your students to rely on their relationship with the God who made them, and RLD helps you do just that.
This FREE resource offers links to online videos, music, and more to spark discussion and allow God to work in the lives of your students. Use it to customize your weekly Sunday school lessons. Visit The How RLD Works page for tips and for more information on how the new website platform works.
Nurturing Disciples of All Ages Through Scripture
When the Bible is in your life, God’s Word transforms your heart and mind. Bible-in-Life focuses on four goals in each lesson: connect, teach, equip, apply. No matter where students are spiritually, Bible-in-Life communicates the gospel with life-changing clarity and helps students respond to God in faith and life. Lean more about our Bible-in-Life curriculum here.
Literature for all ages in the African-American Church
For years, Echoes curriculum has been one of the most widely used resources for African-American churches. Every lesson is easy to use, teacher friendly, strengthens the entire church body with a shared quarterly theme, and is certain to keep your students engaged with relevant Scriptural content that applies to their everyday lives. Lean more about our Echoes curriculum here.

Fuel up for your mission with free resources.
The most important work in the world is ministry: helping people of all ages come to know, love, and follow Jesus. And, ministry can be hard work—really hard work. That’s why we’ve created
MinistrySpark.com, a go-to place for ideas and inspiration.
Sign up to get ministry resources and relevant articles sent straight to you—for free! Learn more about Ministry Spark here.

So who is Dave?
David C Cook is a nonprofit organization dedicated to publishing and distributing leadership and discipleship resources to help Christians all over the world grow in their faith and pass it on to the next generation. We call this “DiscipleShaping”. We were established in 1875 by David Caleb Cook in Chicago, IL. Since that time, we have published numerous bestselling books from The Picture Bible to Crazy Love by Francis Chan, developed over ten lines of Sunday school curriculum, and published many of today’s most popular praise and worship songs through our music division, Integrity.
Is that all Dave does?
As a ministry, we do more than just publish and distribute Christian resources. We partner with indigenous organizations to equip Pastors, Lay Leaders, and Sunday School Teachers with our materials in places like India, China, Kenya, and Cuba. In some places (underdeveloped countries), we make them available at no charge. In others, (developing countries), we subsidize the cost to make them more affordable.
How does Dave do this?
You are probably familiar with a Hybrid Car. This car runs off two sources of fuel: gasoline and electricity. For David C Cook the surplus that is made from selling resources in places like North America, Western Europe, Australia, and more, is the gas. That surplus is used to cover all overhead, marketing, fundraising, and administrative costs. When the electrical component kicks in we use donations from passionate people like you—combined with the surplus we have—to deliver life-transforming materials throughout developing and underdeveloped countries where people do not have access to or money to buy materials. When you donate to David C Cook, 100% of your investment is going directly to deliver a discipleship resource to somebody in need. NONE of it goes to a salary, a building, marketing, or administration.
To learn more about our international programs, go to www.davidcalebcook.org.
So, who is dave
Dave is a ministry of regular people, like you, with a passion to transform lives around the world.