At 10 years old, Peter Rosalita made it all the way to the stage of America’s Got Talent with his incredible singing voice.
Share the following video with your students [5:58]:
Peter Rosalita Sings “I Have Nothing” by Whitney Houston – America’s Got Talent 2021
- What do you think Peter had to do to get his singing to the point of public performance? (Answers will vary; lessons, practice, getting comfortable in front of an audience, trying over and over, etc.)
Not everyone is going to have the same talent as Peter, but everyone has special abilities and interests.
- When do you think a person’s talent, ability, or interest is “good enough” to be shared with others? (Answers will vary.)
In considering your abilities and interests, if you had to choose one from each of the following sets of activities, which would you prefer to do and why? Feel free to share briefly a favorite experience from when you have performed that activity.
- Sports, art, or music?
- Cook, build, or sew?
- Read, write, solve math problems, work on a computer, or complete an experiment?
- Laugh, hug someone, or wrap a present?
- Organize a room, cheer up someone who is feeling down, help someone with homework, or talk to someone on the phone?
We each prefer to do certain things more than we like to do others. We each have abilities where we perform better in some areas than others.
- If you have an ability in a certain area that hasn’t been mentioned yet, tell us about it now. (Answers will vary.)
From what you have shared, we have a group of students with a number of interests and favorite things to do. Today’s lesson is going to be exciting, for we are going to discover that God has a plan for us to use these things for His purpose.