- Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted something so bad you could almost taste it? Tell us about it. (Answers will vary. Be prepared to share your own experience.)
In January, an episode of the television series Family Feud went viral because of this same type of situation. If you aren’t familiar with the show, two families battle it out by answering questions. The family with the most points at the end of the show goes on to the final round for a chance to win $20,000. The Allen family wanted that $20,000 so bad they could taste it! Let’s watch to see if they win.
Share this video with your students [5:18]:
He gets 187 points! Then THIS happens | Family Feud
- When Robert found out he only had to come up with 13 points out of 200 he was excited. Why? (He and his family along with everyone watching thought it was a sure thing; he could get 13 points easily.)
- How would you feel if you were Robert after failing to answer those questions correctly? (Answers will vary but may include embarrassment, anger, etc.)
Today we’re going to learn about a man who was so close to gaining something, he felt sure it was a done deal. But somewhat like the Allen family, he found out something important: close isn’t enough. Today we’re going to talk about putting God first, and how “almost first” just doesn’t work.