Welcome your students as they enter and begin a casual discussion on a time they experienced, saw, or heard something so crazy that it was almost unbelievable. Maybe something that they tried to tell their parents and friends about, but they didn’t believe them. It could be something trivial (I poured myself a bowl of fruity-flavored loops cereal and they were all green!) or something important (I was in a car accident, and the doctors can’t believe I didn’t break a bunch of bones.).
Sometimes these unbelievable things happen to get caught on camera. They go viral or are preserved as visual history. Let’s watch a video of some of the best plays of the Superbowl LVII game played in February between the Eagles and the Chiefs.
Share the following video clip with your students [1:40]:
- Which play did you find the most amazing? (Answers will vary.)
- If you had been told you about these plays instead of seeing them with your own eyes, how would your reaction have been different? (Answers might include: I wouldn’t have believed it, I’d have wanted to see the video, it wouldn’t have seemed so amazing just hearing about it, instead of seeing it.)
- What would it have been like to be there live in the stadium when these plays happened? How would you have reacted? (I would have been amazed, I would have cheered for my team, I would have told everyone I know about seeing it, etc.)
In our Bible story today, Jesus’ disciples witness the most unbelievable thing ever to happen in human history. Understandably, the one who missed out had his doubts. It’s only human to doubt unbelievable things that we haven’t witnessed for ourselves. Let’s see how Jesus handled this doubt.