Before class, cut out rectangular pieces of light-colored cardstock that will fit the size of your gingerbread cookies as a “sandwich board” type of sign using tape to connect a front and back piece at the shoulders. Gingerbread men cookies are frequently available after the holiday season at a reduced price in grocery store bakeries if baking at home seems too daunting. If actual cookies are not possible, print out copies of the gingerbread man on cardstock (one per student; template here). If class time is an issue, you can cut out the gingerbread men ahead of time rather than having students do it.
Prepare a sample of the sandwich-board style sign that will go over the shoulders of the cookie—or, optionally, prepare the template. On the front, use the label “Before” and on the back, the label “After.” On the front list things that once characterized you like SELFISH, SHORT-TEMPERED, BREAKING RULES, LAZY, etc. The “After” side might include words like COMPASSIONATE, OBEDIENT, CONTENT, etc. Hang the sandwich board over the gingerbread cookie using tape at the shoulders (alternately, write the Before and After words directly on the template—no need for a sign). Preparing this sample will give you a reference object as you explain the activity.
Before we come to know Jesus, our lives are often ruled more by selfish desires and disobedience than goodness. When we invite Him into our hearts and lives, we can expect real change to happen.
Show students the front side of your gingerbread man cookie (or optional template). Using the words you have written there, say something like:
The front side of this person represents me before I became a Christian. These words show that I was often selfish, and my behavior and thoughts didn’t reflect a God-honoring lifestyle. But when I turn it over, you will see some of the changes that happened when I trusted in Jesus.
Lead your students through the steps of preparing a cookie or template explaining that one side will include some of the struggles that represent our old lives. The flip side will show the difference that God makes in our lives.
Allow volunteers to share what they’ve written on their gingerbread men.
- Are we going to live perfect lives once we become Christians? (Of course not! But the Holy Spirit will help us become more like Him as we repent and ask Him to help us submit to the Bible’s instructions.)
- Choose one or two of the words you included on your gingerbread man. How will you demonstrate God’s faithfulness this week? (Encourage your students to make a specific action plan that aligns with their declaration.)
It’s one thing to think about what we want to do and quite another thing to actually do it. Even though the Holy Spirit assists us, we are also called to live out our faith boldly and with purpose. Think about your plan for the coming week. How will you actually demonstrate the change that God has made in your heart? We can do it!
It might be helpful to share an idea or two that aligns with your own obedience. Don’t be afraid to tell the students how you plan to live out your faith this week—in your family, job, or ministry.
Close in group prayer asking your students to pray for each other. Prompt them to pray for a soft and submissive heart as they also follow God’s commands.