Some of you have experienced the adventure of hiking in unfamiliar territory or backcountry trails. If you’ve ever planned a trip where you were encountering new terrain, you probably had to do some work ahead of time to plan for the unknown. One company hires guides to help newcomers tackle adventurous terrain. Let’s watch!
Watch the following video with your class and then discuss the questions that follow [1:11]:
“Mountaineering 101: When to Hire a Guide”
- Do any of you have experience hiking in unfamiliar territory or back country trails? What was it like? (Encourage students to share their experiences and share your own if you have experience.)
- The speaker mentioned some of the conditions that precipitate hiring a mountain guide. What were they? (More snow, dangerous conditions, or unfamiliar landscapes can add complexity to a climb.)
- Being a teenager can feel a lot like being a hiker on an unfamiliar trail. What parallels can you find? (Students may mention that they are facing brand new experiences or perhaps they are missing the right equipment. There is also risk and danger associated with certain trails. Some students may mention feeling exhausted or disoriented with landscape they’ve never traversed.)
- Some of you have heard the Holy Spirit referred to as guide. How is this a good metaphor for His role? (Guides give direction, wisdom, clarity, and purpose. They come alongside an individual to make a way clearer and safer. The Holy Spirit can provide these same things to a follower of Jesus.)
The human life is full of risky twists and turns, obstacles, and some unknown conditions along the way. Today’s lesson invites us to take comfort in God’s provision of a trustworthy guide.