The global economy continues to struggle. This month, an Australian economic writer named Taylor Dart wrote an article featuring an Australian mining company called Evolution Mining, which has been hit hard by market conditions. Though it had a down fiscal year in 2022, running at seventy-five percent below its highs, Dart sees evidence to predict that the company’s stock will experience a sharp turnaround in the new fiscal year. His personal opinion is that his readers should watch for Evolution Mining’s stock prices to drop even further first though, and he sees this as a good chance to seize the moment. “I would view any pullbacks below US$1.15,” he says, “as buying opportunities.”
Israel’s disobedience of the Lord had left them hiding in winepresses to conceal their meager harvests from the occupying Midianites. A young man named Gideon felt quite sharply his weakness as the youngest child of the least important family in a conquered clan. And yet this is the champion the Lord chose to deliver His people. Gideon’s story is a magnificent illustration of how God delights to exert His power through the weakness of willing humans.
- If you have invested in the stock market, what have been your own highs and lows in doing so?
- What’s an example of something that others saw as a weakness but that you knew was a strength?
- Where are you called by God to do something you know you are in desperate need of His help to accomplish?