Start today’s lesson by telling your students that you have a challenge for them. (Make this challenge optional).
Play the following short video demonstrating correct form for your students:
How to do a wallsit
Tell students that when you say “go,” they should do a “wall sit” position and hold it as for as long as they can. (If your class is meeting online, make sure that participating students’ cameras are angled in such a way that they class can see their “wall sit.”) The student to hold the position the longest wins the challenge!
- Describe what you experienced when you continued to hold the wall sit position. (Students may respond with words like, “My legs started to shake!”; “My muscles started hurting!” Write their responses on the whiteboard or screen-shared document as they are shared.)
Sometimes it’s hard to know whether or not we can do something until we actually try. And sometimes when we try, we don’t always find success right away. Sometimes we have to push ourselves through experiences that are difficult or challenging, but when we do, we often find some kind of reward at the end.
- When we keep pushing ourselves, and when we stick with a task, we show perseverance. How did you show perseverance through the challenge we just finished? (Continued holding the position even when it was challenging.)
There are countless stories of people who showed perseverance through a challenging or difficult task. Throughout history, we can find examples of people who stuck with whatever they were working to accomplish.
- What is something in your life that requires you to show perseverance? (Students may respond with examples of sports or musical instruments that they had to learn to play, working through difficult concepts or tests at school, striving to earn high grades on their report card.)
- When you show perseverance and stick with a task, what kind of reward do you get? (Answers will vary; ideas may include a medal or trophy for a sports or musical instrument, a high grade, the satisfaction of knowing you completed the task.)
The Apostle Paul encouraged others to persevere as they ran the race of life. Let’s see what he had to say.