Have you ever wanted to go skydiving? It’s one of those activities that either terrifies or excites people. Either way, it would be completely stupid to attempt a solo jump without the proper training. One way to experience skydiving is by participating in a tandem jump.
Watch the following video with your class and then discuss the questions that follow [1:28]:
“What is a Tandem Skydive?”
Okay, let’s take a quick poll. If you were provided with a skydiving experience this afternoon—who would be down to do it? (Gauge student interest—and courage. Discuss the emotional barriers that some might have.)
- Why do you think more people are willing to do tandem jumps than go solo? (It takes a lot more skill and training to do a solo jump. If you’re tethered to another person, you can rely on their experience and skill instead.)
- What did you notice about the equipment involved in a tandem jump? How does it work? (Two people become one unit; the ropes and ties between them keep both individuals occupying the same airspace.)
- How important is it to trust the more experienced jumper? (A successful jump is only as good as the professional. Your success depends wholly on the skill of the pilot and guide.)
- Sometimes we think we are flying solo in this life, but the truth is that Jesus is our vital connection—our leader in all of life’s “jumps.” How does this connection change our perspective? (If we were solely responsible for bearing fruit, evangelizing, or growing spiritually, we would be doomed to fail. Our humanity demands it. But we are not alone. We can depend on God for the outcomes.)
We’re going to be looking at a familiar passage in the Bible today—one that focuses on our need to be connected to the living God. We can’t guarantee the outcomes on our own goodness, but we can always trust in the goodness of our Savior.