This month in Australia, a woman tragically fell to her death at a lookout spot on a popular walking trail. “At one stage, she was there with the witnesses, just walking along,” said Police Inspector Paul Hoyer, “then all of a sudden she’s gone over the edge.” She fell one hundred fifty feet and did not survive. This lookout had no guard rails, but people have fallen in spots that did have them. “Fences, unfortunately, sometimes don’t preclude people from jumping them to get a better view or to look over the edge of cliffs,” said Hoyer. “There’s an inherent risk at these locations that you’ve got to be mindful of.”
Paul wrote to the church in Galatia because they were danger of falling away from true Christian faith. They had started out well, following Paul’s sure guidance at the beginning of their spiritual journey. But new teachers had come along promoting a false gospel, and news had reached the apostle that some of them had begun to abandon the truth and wander into deadly error. In today’s passage, he urgently calls them back to the truth.
- Where is the most dangerous drop-off you’ve visited or heard of?
- When it comes to the outdoors, how can we find the balance between caution and fear?
- What are some ways that Christians can wander from the true path of the faith?