David C Cook COVID-19 Response

Sons and Daughters

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  • Internet access

Open by playing the following video for your teens [6:53; start at 0:16; stop at 2:55]:
Inspired by 3-minute news story that made a lifelong impact, empty nesters adopt 7 siblings

What a powerful story! 

  • What are some of the blessings of this newly formed family? (The siblings have a forever family; the couple has a full home with more people to love, etc.)
  • What might be hard as the couple and siblings form this new family? (The children will still grieve their biological parents who passed away; they still have to heal from the trauma of living through a car crash; the children and adoptive parents have to get to know each other; they have to learn to live together; the couple’s older children may feel jealous or worried their parents will pay less attention to them, etc.)
  • What are the blessings of being part of a loving family? (Accept all reasonable answers. Families can offer safety, security, community, commitment, and unconditional love. Shared experiences can bring humor, help, or hope to our lives.)
  • What is difficult about being part of a family? (Accept all reasonable answers. For example, members of a family can be very different, and will not agree all the time. Being there for each other in good times and bad, with our various personalities and needs, can be hard. Additionally, all people are sinners, and fail each other in ways big and small.)

Not all families are the same. They have different members and make-ups. Friends and mentors can become family in the absence of siblings and other family members. Maybe your family is similar in some ways, and experiences particular challenges and joys.

Similarly, today we will see that, in Christ, all Christians are made sons and daughters of God. Only Christ can do this, and we are thankful this is His desire for us!

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • None

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