- What was the best gift you’ve ever received? What made that gift special? (Answers will vary, be sure to include your own response.)
- Does the size of a gift matter to you? Why or why not? (Answers will vary.)
- How do you feel when you give gifts to others? (Answers may include: I love giving others gifts, it always makes me feel happy to see my friends smile; when my mom tears up after I give her something I made, it makes me feel good, because I know she loves it; giving gifts makes me feel stressed because I never have money to buy them for others, etc.)
The gifts that end up leaving the most impact are usually the ones given from the heart. Size doesn’t matter when the gifts are given with love.
Today we’re going to watch a video about people giving small gifts in shoeboxes. The givers may not know how God uses their gifts to impact children’s lives in a big way. Let’s see what happened when some of the children—many who have never received a gift before—open their boxes.
Play the following video for your students [4:47; stop at 2:01]: Operation Christmas Child Overview 2024
- Do you think the people who packed these boxes knew how much the gift would mean to him? (Answers: No, they were probably just wanting to share God’s love but didn’t know how impactful it would be to the person receiving it.)
- Have you ever received a meaningful gift, one you knew God meant for you? Share about that gift. (Answers will vary.)
A small gift given with a willing heart can mean so much to someone. Today we’re going to talk about a little boy who didn’t have much to give, but Jesus used his gift to touch many lives. Let’s find out more.