In this step, we suggest having your students text or email a member of their families. If you prefer not to use phones during this activity, provide ruled paper and pencils so the students can write longhand notes instead. If your class is meeting online, invite students to bring supplies with them to class.
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, you only get one family. That means you can’t sell your sister, hire new parents, or trade in one cousin for another. You’re stuck with the relatives you have.
However, you’re not stuck having bad relationships forever. You can get along with your family members better if you stay focused on Jesus.
- “Focus on Jesus” is a pretty general statement. In what specific ways will focusing on Jesus help you get along with your family? (Your students may have a number of good ideas to share. If they don’t think of it themselves, guide them to the notion that Jesus showed us how to love God and people. If we show love to our family members, we’ll naturally get along with them better.)
One way a focus on Jesus can improve your family relationships is when you show love to your relatives. Let’s zero in on the relatives in your immediate family—in other words, your dad, mom, and siblings. (If you have students who live with other family members, like grandparents or with a foster family, make it clear that they’re included as well.)
- What are some things you might say to your parents or siblings to show you love them? (“I love you” is a good start, but encourage your students to dig a little deeper. Accept all reasonable answers. List ideas on a whiteboard as the students call them out.)
Note: If some of your students call out cruel statements disguised as love (like “I love you, sis, but you’re ugly”), remind them that improving their family relationships requires a genuine focus on the love of Christ. This isn’t the right time for your resident comedians to go for the laugh.
We’ve brainstormed some ideas for ways to express the love of Jesus in words. As we wrap up our lesson, let’s put those words to use. If your class is meeting online, invite students to have their supplies ready.
In a minute, we’re going to use our phones to write a text or email to a member of our families. It doesn’t have to be long—a sentence or two is great. Send a message that genuinely expresses the love of Jesus for your parents or siblings.
Give your students a few minutes to compose and send their messages. Try to help any students who feel “stuck” about what to write. (If you prefer not to use phones, invite students to use paper and pens/pencils.)
When you stay focused on Jesus, your relationships with your family will get better! Thanks for taking the time to share Christ’s love with them today.
Close in prayer. Pray that the messages of love that your teens sent this morning will make a positive impact on their family relationships.