When you feel like you are on top of the world and everything is going your way, you might find yourself believing that anything is possible. On the other hand, when personal struggles weigh you down and your security blankets fray, you may start to doubt yourself, your direction, and whether anything good lies ahead.
The video we are about to watch shows a clip of the REBOOT Digital 2020 summit—Canada-based online training events for youth in middle school and high school as they grow in faith. In this clip, the speakers share advice for trusting God when it feels challenging to do so. Let’s watch.
Play the following video For your students [4:20]:
Advice for someone struggling to trust God
- What do the people in the video recommend for those struggling to trust God? (They share examples from the Scripture. They recommend taking time, sleep, and space to hear God and not be as overwhelmed.
- Do you agree or disagree with their advice? Why? (Accept all reasonable answers. Some students may appreciate knowing they’re not alone in struggling to trust God. Other students may struggle with the second speaker’s assertion that we should just put our trust in God even when we’re struggling. They may also have questions or commentary about his explanation of sin coming from a lack of trust in God.)
While the second speaker mentioned that sin comes from a lack of trust in God, it’s important to note that God is never angry with us for doubting or having struggles. Having doubts isn’t inherently sinful, and it isn’t anything to be ashamed of. Even when we do sin because of our doubt or struggles, God is merciful and just to forgive us of our sins.
- Are you an eternal optimist or a born skeptic? What does it take for you to trust someone or something? (Answers will vary. Accept all reasonable answers.)
- In life we like assurances, collateral, and contracts. Should it be that way with God? (Accept all reasonable answers. God does make and keep promises and can handle our questions and offer signs. But because of who God is and what He’s shown us before, we can believe without seeing.)
- Have you ever struggled to trust God? If so, what helped you to trust again? (Accept all reasonable answers.)
In today’s story, God is showing up for Gideon and His people after years of hard times, but Gideon is struggling to believe how God can do what He says He will. Though God’s presence with him might have been enough, Gideon asks for more and more signs. Let’s explore this exchange and see what it might say about God and us.