In Russia, strongmen compete in bizarre ways to prove they are the strongest in the country. This month, Maxim Gametsky, the “Siberian Bear,” strapped a 737 jet to his back and tried to pull it across the runway. It wouldn’t budge. In practice, he couldn’t get it to move. But when the crowds and reporters came, something shifted in Maxim, and video shows him pulling the 40-ton beast 15 meters down the tarmac, to the wild cries of fans. “I couldn’t move it on the first attempt in any of my training sessions,” he later said. “And to be honest, I was a little scared today would be the same. Maybe it was excitement, maybe it was fear, but I did it anyway.” Fear and excitement enabled him to perform at a level he’d been unable to attain alone.
Imagine the shock and fear the disciples felt that night when they saw a ghostly figure walking on the whitecaps of the Sea of Galilee. Sailors are notoriously superstitious anyway, and seeing Jesus there must’ve been not only terrifying but disorienting. Were they about to hit land? What was happening? The supernatural mood only deepened when Jesus called Peter out onto the water with Him. Peter is often ridiculed for his lack of faith here, but he exhibited a faith so strong that it enabled him to do—for a few steps, at least—something that none of the others even dared to try.
- What’s the most impressive feat of human strength you’ve ever witnessed?
- When have you found yourself capable of something you never thought you could do?
- What was your moment of greatest faith in God?
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