Begin today’s lesson by discussing with your class what they believe to be the keys to living a happy life.
- If you were going to invest now in your future best self, what sort of things would your put your time and energy into? (Give your students a chance to answer and discuss this question together. Common themes that may arise are: Finding a career they’re passionate about, frequent traveling, securing financial freedom, etc.)
This is a really tricky question to answer. After all, if the key to living a happy life were simple, surely we would all be aware of it. However, there is one group of researchers who is attempting to answer this very question.
One of the longest-running and most complete studies on adult life and happiness—called Good Life project—has been conducted by Harvard University over the last 85 years. This study has tracked the lives of over 2,000 participants to see what factors into people living happy and healthy lives.
The researchers at Harvard have compiled their results of this study to determine the keys to living a good life—and one of the most important keys to happiness is having close relationships.
The study found that, “The people who were happiest, who stayed healthiest as they grew old, and who lived the longest were the people who had the warmest connections with other people.”
- Are you surprised by the results of the study? If so, what was most surprising? (Accept all reasonable answers.)
The study also found that while healthy relationships can be hugely beneficial for our happiness and well-being, loneliness can have negative health outcomes.
This creates a tricky catch-22. If relationships hold the key to living a happy, fulfilled life, yet an unhappy relationship can lead to the very opposite, how can we guarantee that our relationships will be successful?
In today’s lesson, we’ll find out God’s solution to finding the meaning and fulfillment we want and need.