Have you ever watched a quick-change artist perform? Perhaps at a half-time show of a sporting event? Quick-change artists do just what their job title says—they change outfits quickly. They take a task that would typically take a minute or two and some maneuvering and they do it in just a few seconds, effortlessly, right before your eyes with just the wave of a cloth or burst of confetti. Let’s watch:
Play the following video [2:01; stop at 1:47]:
Léa Kyle Surprises The Judges With STUNNING Quick-Change – America’s Got Talent 2021
A dramatic change can be very interesting to witness. This is probably why we like shows that reveal a made-over or made-better person or place at the end.
- What about you? Do you like change or resist change? Why? (Answers will vary. Some people thrive on change for the sake of variety and excitement and others resist it because they feel comfortable with what they know. Most teens will likely have examples of both.)
- Have you ever changed or seen someone change their behavior or personality situationally (a real-life quick-change?) Tell about that. (Accept all reasonable answers. Common examples of this could be pretending to be doing homework like you said you were going to when a parent walks in on you watching YouTube, or someone pretending to like something only when a certain person is around in an attempt to impress them.)
- Have you ever changed or seen someone change their behavior or personality in a long-lasting way (a true transformation)? Tell about that. (Accept all reasonable answers. This can happen for better or worse, perhaps after a life-changing event, or new social group, or through hard work and motivation to improve.)
- Do you think change is something God wants from us? Why or why not? (Accept all reasonable answers. Students may want to consider many aspects of this. We don’t have to change who we are to be Christians or be loved by God, as God has made and gifted us each uniquely, but just as we grow physically, we grow in our faith which requires change—repenting of old ways and becoming more and more like Christ.)
The Bible says that when we know and follow Jesus, it is like taking off old clothes and putting on new clothes. In other words, we are meant to change. When we walk with Jesus, we are meant to truly transform to become more like Him.