David C Cook COVID-19 Response

Only One Way!

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Materials Needed:

  • Internet access
  • Let’s say you wanted to be a millionaire by the time you turned 40, how would you go about it? (Give your students the chance to brainstorm answers to this question.) 

This phenomenon of near endless options isn’t exclusive to wealth management; we live in a world with limitless alternatives. Whether it’s the clothing we wear, the career we choose, or the content we consume, there are so many different options presented to us every day. Don’t like something? Change it. Wish there was a better way? Create it. In a world that never says no, black and white rules are becoming more antiquated by the minute.

But not everything is like this, is it? There are some things that really only have one right way to do them.

  • What are some things you can think of that only have one right answer? (Math is a good example of a relentlessly rigid medium.)

Let’s check out a tool that has a very unforgiving functionality.

Play the following clip: [2:53; stop at 1:22]
Young people trying to use a rotary phone.

  • Why did these young people struggle with this relatively simple task? (It’s not that they’re incompetent, they just simply haven’t been shown the one way in which this phone is designed to be used.)

Often, human beings approach faith like these young people approached the rotary phone: with good intentions and misinformation. A lot of freedom is provided in a lot of different areas, but there are some things that only have one right way. No matter how hard you try, there’s only one way to God and that’s through Jesus. Let’s take a look!

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • None

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