We all know the kind of person we want to be. You could write out the ideals of the kind of character you want to possess and the kind of actions you’d like to be known for, but often it’s as if day-to-day life gets in the way of us living the way we want or ought to. Putting the ideals into practice is the hard part.
This winter, a woman named Candice Payne decided that—on a day when cozying up indoors seemed reasonable and safe—instead of sitting still, she would make a move to ensure that homeless people in her city would have a warm place to sleep on a deadly-cold night, even if this meant a risk or sacrifice on her part. Here’s her story:
Play this video for your students [1:39].
Woman gets hotel rooms for homeless during Chicago cold snap:
- Candice was inspired to help, but what do you think empowered or strengthened her to take action? (Accept all reasonable answers. Whether she has practical answers for overcoming the financial hit, was paying forward an act of kindness toward her, or simply had such strong conviction and compassion that any hardship she incurred was worth it, her actions and attitudes were in sync giving her peace in this circumstance.)
- Do you think it is easier to live in accordance to your values when you have a lot or a little? Why? (Accept all reasonable answers. Perhaps we feel we could give more or do more if we had more resources. Perhaps we find more stuff can mean more distraction and less compassion.)
- Do you think it is easier to live in accordance with your values when you’re experiencing joy or challenges? Why? (Accept all reasonable answers. Perhaps when we feel good we do good, or perhaps when things are well with us we keep the focus on that and less on the bothers of others. Challenges may give us empathy for others but can also be fully absorbing at the same time.)
Throughout our lives, our circumstances will change bringing highs and lows, but our attitude and actions can remain true to Christ’s call, trusting Him. Christ empowers us to live the way He’s called us to regardless of how much or little we have or how good or bad things are for us that day. He will be our strength.