Upon entering class today, gather your students together and ask them the following question:
- Does anyone know who the wealthiest person in the world is? (Allow a few volunteers to share their guesses.)
Jeff Bezos, the Amazon founder worth $193.4 billion, is currently the wealthiest person in the world. Elon Musk, worth $171.6 billion is second after him. The average American, on the other hand, makes between $45,000-$55,000 a year.
- How does this make you feel? (Allow students to share their thoughts.)
- If you really had that kind of money, what would you do with it all? (Answers will vary.)
- Why does thinking about having that much money and the things we could buy with it make us so excited? (Be prepared to share your own response to this along with your teens.)
- What does our fascination with wealth say about our culture and the things we value? (Allow students to share their thoughts.)
We love money, but there’s a dark side to chasing after it. Today, we’ll see why the Bible says that greed leads to destruction.