Victory Brinker, a nine-year-old singer from Pennsylvania, wowed the judges on a popular television talent show, and last month moved on to the semifinals of the competition. At the age of six, Victory saw someone singing opera, and she knew what she wanted to do with her life. But in the second round of the TV show, she increased the drama by changing her song at the last minute. Happily, she performed beautifully and moved on to the semis. “If I impress the judges, that’s wonderful,” Victory told a reporter. “My goal is to get a standing ovation by the judges.” She achieved this, and the song of Victory propelled her onward.
Immediately after God brought the people across the Red Sea on dry land and plunged Pharaoh’s army to their deaths, Moses and Miriam sang a song of victory of their own. With God’s arm outstretched like that, all Israel’s other enemies would think twice about opposing them. Propelled onward by this triumph and their song of victory, God’s people moved toward the promised land.
- When has a very young person wowed you with his or her talent or knowledge?
- What can make someone’s enemies think twice about opposing them?
- What could the Israelites know about God’s character in light of His deliverance at the Red Sea?
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