David C Cook COVID-19 Response

Moses and Miriam Lead the People in Praise

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Last year, former Disney star Joshua Bassett (who played a leading role in High School Musical: The Musical; The Series) had a radical encounter with Jesus and has given his life to the Lord. “I grew up Christian,” he has said. “And I ran the other way as far as I could go, in pursuit of ‘truth,’ and that only ended in addiction, depression, suicidal ideation, eating disorder, etc.” Since his salvation, for which he has faced intense scrutiny, he has attempted to live out his faith. “When you find peace and happiness and you find what you truly believe is the answer to so much, it is hard to keep that to yourself and not want to share that with people. And so, I’m trying to find the balance of sharing my faith in a way that people don’t feel like I’m attacking them.”

After God had delivered the children of Israel from the Egyptian army at the Red Sea, Moses and Miriam led the people in an exuberant song of praise. The Lord was their strength and defense, they sang, and now He had become their salvation. They proclaimed their faith that He would lead them into whatever the future held.


  • How can we pray for a young Christian like Joshua, who is in such a bright media spotlight?
  • How did Jesus become your salvation?
  • What can sustain our faith when hardships come?

Looking for Steps 2, 3 & 4?

You can find Steps 2, 3 & 4 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

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