Once your students have all arrived, invite them to participate in a discussion.
Over the years, the dollar amounts of lottery jackpots have increased greatly. A recent Powerball lottery jackpot was valued at $1.2 billion. That’s a lot of money!
Invite your students to watch the following video [2:59; stop at 1:55]:
Why lottery jackpots are getting bigger
Winning the lottery would be great financially. Winners could pay for homes, cars, daily needs, and education—and still have a lot leftover to save and invest. However, even millions of dollars can’t bring true happiness or solve all problems.
- What are some examples of things money can’t buy? (Accept all reasonable answers, which may include the following: real friendships, peace, contentment, salvation, health, etc.)
- Imagine you could ask God for anything—and He would give it to you! What would you ask Him for? (Answers will vary, but they may include money, better academic performance, good friends, health for a loved one, etc.)
There are so many good things that we could ask for, but the most valuable is wisdom.
- What is the definition of wisdom? (Allow students to formulate their own answers before giving them the actual definition: Having good sense or good judgement; wise actions; having insight or understanding into situations.)
- In which areas do you wish you had more wisdom? (Answers may include: how to play a sport; how to get good grades; how to earn money, etc.)
We all want more wisdom! Wisdom causes us to make good decisions and take wise actions. Wisdom can also give us confidence because we know what we’re doing is the right course of action and will lead to a good outcome.
When are some times you’ve used wisdom or watched someone else using wisdom to help in a business or relationship situation? (Be prepared to share your own experience. Answers might include: Wisdom is used at school all the time; when my two best friends were fighting I helped them solve the problem so we could all be friends again; I helped my dad at his auto shop figure out what was wrong with a customer’s car, etc.)
The more wisdom we have, the better decisions we can make in life. If we rely on God’s wisdom, those decisions can help us lead a life that glorifies Him. Today, we’re going to learn about a famous king who asked God for wisdom to rule his kingdom. Did God give him the wisdom he desired? Did it help him become a better king? Let’s find out.