As the students enter, ask them to share a about a time when someone helped them in a big way. Share one of your own memories as well!
When other people help or serve us, it shows that they love and care about us.
The city of Beirut (bay-root), in the country of Lebanon, was recently affected by a large explosion. Many people lost their homes, thousands of people were injured, and some people even lost their loved ones in this disaster.
Watch this recent news story about people loving others through serving them:
Play the video for the class [0:00-0:45]:
Deadly explosion in Beirut: How to help to the victims in Lebanon
- What were some of the ways you saw people serving others in this video? (Sweeping, cleaning the streets, clearing the rubble, etc.)
- What do you think people could have used as excuses to not clean up the rubble? (Some of them may have lost homes or family members, etc.)
We can start thinking about our neighbors, whoever they might be. Jesus has a lot to say about how to treat others, especially those who are different from us, but who does that include exactly? Let’s check it out.