I have some bad news for you. It’s really bad. It’s so bad that it may ruin your life. So bad you’ll never be the same again. Here it is: you’re a liar. A liar, liar, pants on fire!
Nothing personal—lying is a natural human trait. You’ve probably told some whoppers in the past. You remember when you said you loved your friend’s haircut . . . even though it made him look like a werewolf? Or when you told your sister you didn’t eat the last cookie but really, you ate the last six?
- I want you to think of a lie you’ve told recently. I won’t embarrass you by asking what it was. But without telling us the gruesome details, can you remember why you fibbed? (Help the students realize that we tell lies when we think it will be to our advantage in some way.)
Now, I have some news even worse than you being a liar—here it is: Everyone you know is a liar, too.
All of us lie to make ourselves look good, or to get something we want. But all of us hate being lied to. I mean, do you like it when your friend tells you a whopper? How do you feel when your sister lies to your face?
- I want you to think of a lie someone told you Can you remember how you felt when you figured out the person wasn’t being honest with you? (Help the students realize that we often feel betrayed, hurt, and/ or angry when people deceive us.)
Okay, so we know that everybody lies. We also know that it feels terrible when somebody isn’t honest with you. So wouldn’t it be great if you could tell when your friends were fibbing? That way, you’d never be fooled again! Let’s check out this short video that shows some of the signs that a person may not be speaking the truth.
Share the following video with your students [5:24: stop at 3:36].
How To Tell If Someone Is Lying To You
- Do you think the ideas in this video will help you spot liars? Why or why not? (Accept all reasonable answers.)
Sadly, the signs of lying in the video can be hard to spot in real life. Plus, they aren’t foolproof. A someone might look away when they’re talking to you because they’re lying . . . or because they’re uncomfortable with eye contact. Even if you were a lie detection expert, you wouldn’t be foolproof. There’s no way to be positive that someone is telling you the truth.
It’s natural to lie. As Christians, though, God calls us to a higher standard. That’s why God wants the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! Let’s explore what the Bible says about honesty.