David C Cook COVID-19 Response

Jeremiah: The Suffering Preacher of Doom

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The NFL draft took place a couple of weeks ago. The San Francisco 49ers traded up to have the third overall pick in the draft because they sorely needed a quarterback. The first two teams to make their picks were virtually guaranteed to also pick quarterbacks, and pretty much everyone knew who those first two picks would be. So the 49ers had to select from the young quarterbacks who remained. As sportswriter Josh Shrock put it, the choice for 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan is whether he would take one player who was “NFL-ready” but might have already reached his potential or another player who wasn’t as ready but whose potential might be unlimited. “Two paths stretch before Shanahan,” Shrock wrote. “Which one he walks will determine the course of his and the 49ers’ future.” Shanahan decided to draft the young player with potential, Trey Lance.

King Zedekiah was in a terrible spot. However, Jeremiah made the situation crystal clear to him: you are going to Babylon either way. Your only choice is whether or not you’re going to bring about the deaths of your family and the destruction of Jerusalem too. The capital of David, the home of the temple, and the resting place of the ark of the covenant, not to mention all his sons and the other citizens inside Jerusalem, were in the king’s power to save. Sadly, Zedekiah chose poorly, and great was the suffering that followed.


  • When have you or someone else taken a complicated situation and found a way to boil it down to a very clear choice?
  • What was an example of when you had an extremely important decision to make? How did you decide?
  • Why do you think King Zedekiah chose as he did?

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Looking for Steps 2, 3 & 4?

You can find Steps 2, 3 & 4 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

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