OPENING ACTIVITY: I Had to Leave My Comfort Zone When …
Ask students to share a time they had to step out of their comfort zone to accomplish a goal: what was that goal, what made them reluctant to pursue it, and what did they do to overcome their resistance? Examples could include moving from one state to another to get a better job, but having to abandon existing friendships to do so; knowing they needed to get physically fit, but finding it difficult to get off the couch for some significant exercise; or knowing how important it is to build relationships with others, but finding that difficult to do because of being introverted.
This week’s story is about two people who were led to leave their comfort zones and what resulted from their willingness to do so.
OPENING STORY: [Read the story aloud or make copies and pass them around.]
Jenny Albers might describe her comfort zone as being reluctant to engage in meaningful, one-on-one conversations with others because it feels awkward, because she’s an introvert, or because she thinks she will say the wrong thing. But one Sunday during church, she felt God prompting her to speak to a woman she was familiar with but had never spoken to.
First, she argued with herself and God why she shouldn’t speak go the woman. She argued, for example, that the woman might think she was crazy, that she might say the wrong thing, that it wasn’t convenient, and finally that she just didn’t want to do it. What Jenny repeatedly heard from God was, “Go talk to her.” Although she was afraid and was skeptical that this was the right choice, she finally decided to approach the woman and ask if she needed prayer for anything.
What Jenny discovered from the resulting conversation was that the woman and her husband were trying to conceive but had experienced a loss while attempting to do so. Jenny hugged her, cried a bit, and admits that she probably asked too many questions. But she was also able to share some things with the woman that were helpful despite her lack of eloquence. She also learned something—God works through us when we don’t let our fears or desire to stay in our comfort zones keep us from doing what He is prompting us to do.
Stephanie, a blogger from Boulder, Colorado, also likes to stay in her comfort zone of one-on-one settings or small groups of “safe people.” What she would describe as getting out of her comfort zone would be speaking to large audiences in a public setting. Like Jenny, Stephanie considers herself to be an introvert and says that “speaking in front of a large group is a very uncomfortable experience.” She admits that in school that she never raised her hand in class and was afraid that the teacher would call on her.
But Stephanie also recognizes that God had been doing some amazing things in her life and that sharing those experiences could benefit others. Stephanie is a single-mother of two who at one time was married to a man who was an alcoholic. What she learned in her struggle to first save her marriage and later to adjust to the realities of a broken one has drawn her closer to God and strengthened her faith in Him.
Stephanie was recently asked to share her testimony of God’s faithfulness in front of a group of around 200 people. Although reluctant at first, she eventually decided to face her fear and treat this as an opportunity to serve others. She noted in her blog that even though “sharing in front of a crowd of people, some familiar and a lot of strangers, required a deep level of vulnerability,” she forged ahead with her presentation, believing she “had an important story to tell and was meant to share it with others.” The response she got after sharing her story overwhelmed her. The audience gave her a standing ovation, and she received lots of compliments and encouragement from those who heard her testimony.
Stephanie concluded her account of this experience this way: “I have an important story to share, and it’s worth the risk of putting myself out there. I am called to serve outside of my comfort zone. And, in doing so, I know I will continue to grow and change.”
Have tour students form small groups to discuss their answers to these questions.
- What risks are you are not taking because they would would require you to get out of your comfort zone (anything from bungee jumping to talking to a neighbor)?
- Why is it hard to step outside of our comfort zones and take risks?
- How does it benefit us, others, and God when we leave our comfort zones and take risks?
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