As students join the group time, divide your whiteboard into two sections. Create headers by writing the words “Possibilities” and “Impossibilities.”
Mention a few things that are “possibilities” but not yet “realities” in our world today. Write down any ideas students call out that are feasible although not yet part of society under the “Possibilities” header. After students have come up with as many things as they can, assure them that this is a hard concept and it is okay if they weren’t able to provide more. (Provide your own ideas if necessary; examples might be sending astronauts to Mars, a phone chip that can be installed in the ear replacing the need for a cell phone, hover cars, solar-powered cars, everyone having their own personal robot assistant, underwater cities, etc.)
Next, have students think of things that are “impossibilities.” For example, eliminating the need for healthy humans to consume food and drink and still live or for people to be able to fly without any mechanism but only by flapping their arms, etc. (This also is a difficult concept, so allow students a few minutes to come up with ideas before finishing this introductory activity.) If students mention things that fall in between “Possibilities” and “Impossibilities,” create a separate section and label that area of the whiteboard with a question mark. Some ideas might be time travel or mind control (using your thoughts to control another human being), etc. Allow for creativity and have fun.
Mention to students that some things that people one hundred years ago would have put under “Impossibilities” are now reality such as the Internet or seeing the people with whom you are communicating on the phone. We feel today that the items we listed under “Impossibilities” are just that…impossible, yet, who knows in another hundred years if that will be the case! A lot can change.
We’re going to watch a video about someone who overcame impossible circumstances.
Invite students to watch the following video clip [3:23].
Woman beating the odds with post-crash recovery
Invite students to share about how the story impacted them.
- What made this woman’s recovery seem the most “impossible” to you? (Answers will vary. Invite various students to share.)
- What things in your life seem impossible? (Be prepared to share your own answer to get this question going. Explain that seemingly impossible situations don’t have to be about physical feats or overcoming disabilities. Some seemingly impossible situations might center around divorce/broken family, a parent without a job, being bullied, passing a class they are struggling in, etc.)
Today we’re going to talk about how nothing is impossible with God. The story of how Jesus came to be born is full of impossibilities in the world’s eyes, but was possible in God’s large plan. Let’s continue on to learn more about this concept.