David C Cook COVID-19 Response

In Dependence

Materials Needed:

  • Internet access

In November, the BBC released a new animal documentary series called Dynasties. Over the years, BBC has produced a number of similar documentaries, offering us an incredible inside look at the natural world. When we get a glimpse into the lives of animal families, we may be surprised to find moments we can relate to. But, just like us, young animals have to rely on their parents for food and protection, and follow their lead to learn the necessary life skills for growing up and surviving independently. In the video we’re about to watch, we’ll see how this baby elephant depends on its mother and herd.  

Play the following video [2:49].
BBC video of a baby elephant dependent on its mother and herd:

  • How are the ways the young elephant grows and learns similar or different to your own development? (The young elephant must be guided by their parent and other adult elephants, as its eyes and legs and trunk develop. They rely on these adults for food and protection. They learn life skills by following the example of the herd and through practice. Our own journey from infancy to adulthood will take longer than the elephant’s, and we may be more likely to venture out on our own than stick nearby family forever.)
  • In what areas of life are you currently most dependent on the adults in your life? (Accept all reasonable answers. Most students will be financially dependent on their parents meaning their food, clothing, housing and other basic needs are provided by the parents. Students will also live according to their parents’ rules, and may also be dependent on their permission, transportation, etc.) 
  • In what areas of life are you currently most independent? (Accept all reasonable answers. Answers might include managing their time; making major and minor decisions; the ability to drive, work, or even vote; being capable of making meals; cleaning up after themselves; etc.)
  • What are the challenges of navigating the mix of dependence and independence in this stage of life? (Accept all reasonable answers. Many high schoolers will crave more independence for their freedoms, but of course that also comes with responsibility. There may be a gratefulness for parents’ provision but tension living in their parents’ home while they are developing their own sense of self.)

In life, we grow to become independent, but it is also healthy to have people in our lives we can depend on. In our faith, we move from following the faith of our family to choosing our faith for ourselves, but the Christian faith also involves a healthy reliance on God. Today we’ll learn more about this from Jesus’ example in His adolescent years.

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • Index cards
  • Pens/pencils

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