Does anyone here like superhero movies? Films about superheroes have been more and more popular in the last few years. Superman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, and lots of other fictional heroes inspire, amaze, and entertain.
- Do you have a favorite superhero from fiction? Who and why? (Allowing students to briefly discuss their favorite superheroes will help set up the next part of the discussion.)
There are a lot of common themes in superhero movies and stories. Often, we see that the main characters are in trouble and must call for help from someone stronger, faster, or more powerful. Only with help will they be able to defeat the threat and save the day. Let’s see if we can think of some examples we know. Ask for a volunteer to help write down the examples you find.
- What are examples of someone calling in extra help? (A list of possible examples appears below.)
- Commissioner Gordon uses a spotlight with a bat-shaped shadow to call for Batman’s help.
- In Justice League, Batman and others have to revive Superman in order to help fight the villain.
- In The Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian is able to use a magical horn to call for help, which brings Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy to Narnia.
In all these cases, the people in each story use a special method to get help when they can’t do it all on their own. In real life, we don’t have as many choices. The video we’re about to see shows how a child who was surprisingly young still managed to make a call for help.
Play the following video for your preteens [3:56].
5-Year-Old Hailed a Hero for Calling 9-1-1
- Have you ever needed to call 9-1-1 or other emergency services? What happened? (Allow any students who can to share their experiences; keep in mind that the situations may entail uncomfortable or difficult details and may need to be monitored. Be prepared to share your own experience.)
Our lesson today is about a method we have that will help us get help in any situation. Sadly, we don’t always use it. Let’s learn more.