David C Cook COVID-19 Response

Grumbles Be Gone

Materials Needed:

  • Internet access

Grumbling means to complain under our breath or speak about something in an unhappy way. 

  • What are some other words you can think of to describe grumbling? (Some possible answers: Fuss; holler; moan; bellyache; whine, etc.)
  • What things do you grumble and complain about? (Answers might include: Doing homework; doing chores; having to go to bed early, etc.)

We can all say we’ve grumbled from time to time.  But complaining about our situation usually gets us nowhere.  If anything, it makes it worse, by putting everyone else around us in a bad mood, too, and sometimes getting us into trouble for our bad attitude.

Coach Drake from the Michigan Kalamazoo Growlers college baseball team is pretty good at complaining.  In fact, he wasn’t happy with a call by the umpire recently, and his grouchy response went viral.  Let’s watch his reaction.

Play the following clip [1:01]:
6-Year-Old Hysterically Throws Tantrum at Baseball Game

It’s fair to say Coach Drake may have taken complaining to a whole new level! Maybe it’s because he’s six?  His tantrum was in good fun and was used as entertainment to make the crowd laugh.  However, he was poking fun at how others have been known to act for real.   And, he ultimately got “thrown out of the game” for his behavior.

  • Have you ever gotten into trouble for complaining? (Students may acknowledge being sent to their room or losing privileges for their grumbling/complaining.)
  • What can we do instead of moaning about a situation? (Answers may include:  Ask for help; pray; take a break and come back later with a clear head, etc. Accept all reasonable answers.)

Grumbling and complaining will get us nowhere.  There are so many better ways to handle our problems!  Did you know there was grumbling and complaining in the Bible?  In fact, in today’s story we’re going to read about how God’s chosen people grumbled and complained a lot.  How do you think God felt about their attitudes?  What did He do when His people moaned and groaned?  Let’s find out.

Additional resources:

The story behind 6-year-old internet sensation, Coach Drake [3:47]

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • Internet access
  • Balloons (1 per student; sturdy; be aware of latex allergies)
  • Cornstarch
  • Water
  • Measuring cups or plastic cups for water
  • Empty water bottles cut to make large-mouthed funnels
  • Plastic knife or fork
  • Permanent markers

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