If you’ve ever been on a long road trip, you’ve probably spent a lot of time on divided highways, where everyone on your side travels one way, and there’s a separate roadway for everyone traveling the opposite direction. At least, that’s how it’s supposed to work.
- Have you ever thought about what it would be like if someone accidentally headed in the wrong direction on a highway? (Possible answers might include: there could be a big crash; it would be really scary.)
Every now and then, someone makes a wrong turn and ends up on the wrong side of the highway. It’s really, really dangerous! It’s difficult and very hazardous to try to fix the problem. When one man found himself close to this kind of situation recently, he did something extraordinary to try help solve the problem. Let’s find out what it was.
Play this video for the students [:36].
Good Samaritan helps elderly wrong way driver get safely off the road
In his efforts to help the elderly driver, this person drove across the median and went against the flow of traffic to help stop the confused woman. What he did was extremely dangerous and he acknowledged that it wasn’t the best way to handle it, but he finally got the woman to follow his directions.
- How would it feel to be driving across the flow of traffic on a busy highway? (Possible answers might include: Scary, terrifying.)
None of you are driving yet…but that doesn’t mean you’ve never been in a situation similar to what this man experienced. There are lots of times when you are going one way trying to do the right thing, and everyone else is going the opposite way. It is really, really hard to go against the flow.
- Have you ever done something opposite of what everyone else was doing because you felt it was the right thing to do? Tell us about it. (Allow brief discussion; be prepared to share your own examples.)
Our lesson today is about a person who obeyed God even when everyone else in the whole world was going in the opposite direction. Let’s find out what happened.