Have you ever considered where your clothes come from? Or what it costs to make them? Have you noticed how often new clothes are on display at the stores you frequent or walk past? Clothing today is now cheaper than ever—in terms of cost and quality—and stores are pushing more and more of it on us. This trend is called “fast fashion” and more and more people are picking up on the negative side effects of keeping up with this fast pace.
Play the following video [6:50; stop at 2:00]:
The true cost of fast fashion | The Economist
Due to the problems highlighted in the video, some are deciding to buy less overall and choose items that are made responsibly and made to last. This response to fast fashion is sometimes called “slow fashion.”
- Why do you think fast fashion options are more popular than slow fashion options? (Accept all reasonable answers. Fast fashion is more affordable, more readily available, the brands are better known, and there’s always something new and different to get.)
- In what other circumstances might it be more responsible to opt for slow rather than fast? (Accept all reasonable answers. Some might point to the food industry, as it was mentioned in the video. Others might think of paying attention and studying regularly all year instead of cramming last minute for a test. Others may point to changes, pressures, and new responsibilities teenagers deal with and indicate that not rushing into these may be wise.)
- Maybe clothes aren’t your thing; what do you want quickly and struggle to wait for? (Accept all reasonable answers. It could be any material item wished for, or something like having your driver’s license, being able to vote, moving out for college, or any life circumstance.)
The mindset of wanting more, wanting new, and wanting now is not limited to our clothing purchases. Whether it’s a material item, a life circumstance, or anything else, sometimes we just want what we want quickly. We may even choose a rash or harmful way to get what we want when we want it. Often, we need to learn patience. God’s timing is frequently different than ours, and we may need to wait for God’s voice, or God’s plans, or God’s answers. But God’s ways are best, and they are worth the wait.