Watch this video with your class and then discuss the following questions [3:03]:
Street Puppy Gets Rescued With A Piece Of Bread | The Dodo Little But Fierce
- Have you or your family ever had to rescue a stray animal before? (Answers will vary.)
The puppy, who would not have survived without help and rescue, encountered multiple inspiring caregivers—the rescuers, foster family, and the puppy’s long-term family. They all demonstrated compassion and kindness towards him.
- Like the puppy, we can sometimes feel helpless, too! What do people and puppies have in common? (People still must rely on others to help in times of crisis. Many young people don’t have the life experience to solve big problems. They need help!)
- Although this example was about a dog, there are many times when people need help too. From what kinds of dangers might people need to be rescued? (Answers will vary but might include fires, accidents, being lost, negative thoughts, addictions, fears, abuse, etc.)
- Who are the people we count on to rescue or save us from harm? (Answers might include: parents, fire fighters, police officers, teachers, pastors, doctors, paramedics, etc.)
- When have you been rescued or helped out of a difficult situation? Who helped you? (Answers will vary.)
There are times when we realize our need to be rescued, but at other times, the need to be rescued isn’t as apparent. Sometimes we are in need of help, and we just don’t know it. Or maybe we don’t want to admit the need. It might even be that it’s not a 911-type of rescue, and we don’t know who to turn to for help.
As Christmas approaches, we are reminded that many years ago Jesus, the Son of God, was sent to earth, born as a baby. He was sent with a specific purpose. Let’s see how that purpose relates to us, and our need for a rescue.