Did anyone swim at an ocean beach this summer? How far were you willing to swim away from shore? Our senses can only perceive a small fraction of the ocean’s depth. Let’s take a look at some incredible facts about the deep blue sea.
Share this video with your students [3:29].
This Incredible Animation Shows How Deep the Ocean Really Is
When you finish watching the video, discuss the following questions:
- The video indicates that only 5-10% of oceans have been studied. Why do you think the ocean is one of the least explored parts of the world? (The sky is the most visible part of creation, so man’s interest in space is obvious. But oceans are mysterious and hidden, full of unknown creatures and inaccessible regions due to water pressure, etc.)
- What is something new you learned from watching this video? (Let students share their reactions.)
- We know that the vast complexity of the natural world could not occur by random chance. What can the ocean tell us about the miraculous act of creation? (Like the earth, sky, animals, and plants, the ocean gives witness to the creativity and order God embedded into our world when He created it.)
- What makes some people uneasy about swimming away from shore? (Oceans are powerful, mysterious, and sometimes dangerous. They can make us feel small, helpless, and vulnerable to predators.)
These days, a lot of people admire the beauty of the natural world but fail to acknowledge the One who created it. The Bible teaches that every part of our world gives testimony to a great and glorious Creator.