The more time we spend on something, the better we become at it. But even so, there will always be times we find ourselves needing help.
- Have you ever realized there was something you wouldn’t be able to do on your own? How did you react? (Be prepared to give your own examples to help prompt discussion.)
- Have you ever stepped in to help someone else in that kind of situation? What was the outcome? (Keep discussions brief so everyone who wants to share has an opportunity to do so.)
In this video, someone found a way to help an elderly woman who couldn’t get to her car safely on her own—let’s watch.
Play the video for the students [stop video at 1:21]:
Teen seen helping elderly woman to her car
Discuss the video. It’s always great to see examples of people who are willing to help others. Dashawn’s choice to help the woman set an example for others to be helpful too!
- Why do you think Dashawn chose to do what he did? (Possible answers include: He was following the Golden Rule; he was concerned for the woman’s safety.)
- How do you think the elderly woman that Dashawn helped felt? (Answers will vary but may include: Grateful, thankful, surprised.)
We can imagine how relieved the woman must have been to get Dashawn’s help. There is nothing wrong with needing help; we all need help from time to time. Our lesson today makes that point very clear.