The Summer Olympics for 2020 were supposed to be happening right now. But the global pandemic of COVID-19 has caused them to be moved to the summer of 2021. One of the athletes who will be competing is 19-year-old Brooke Raboutou. Let’s take a look at her story.
Share the following video [5:21; could stop after 4:53]:
19-year-old Brooke Raboutou is literally climbing the walls
- Brooke Raboutou has to train not only physically but also mentally. Why would she have to train mentally? (Answers may vary; she has to be able to not be distracted when she is climbing; her mind can play tricks during a competition, she needs to be ready emotionally, etc.)
- Do you have a sport you enjoy participating in? Tell us about it. (Answers will vary.)
- What do you do to keep your body strong and healthy to be able to do your best at your favorite sport? (Answers may vary; practice, eat healthy foods, get sleep, etc.)
- Some of you may not be into sports, but you do other things—play an instrument, build things, make crafts, play computer games—and you need to work hard and practice to keep up your skills. In what ways do you go about doing that? (Answers may vary.)
Brooke’s parents were both world-class professional climbers. They helped her a lot with teaching her how to climb, building training equipment, and coaching her. But they could not exercise and practice for her. She had to have the self-discipline and determination do that for herself—and she did.
- What do you think would happen to Brooke’s ability to climb the way she does if she decided not to practice anymore and just sat around watching TV and eating junk food? (She would not have the physical strength, and she would lose her climbing technique.)
We are often told that it is important to exercise our minds and our bodies—and it is. The Bible tells us of something even more important that we should exercise regularly. Let’s find out what that is.