As your students enter, ask them to think of a time they have learned something or grown in some unexpected way. Examples might include “I could only learn my multiplication facts by singing them.” Or “my younger brother helped me get better at free throws.” Or “a homeless man showed me more generosity than many others do.” Be prepared to share your own story as well. It could be a time that someone unexpected taught you a lesson or an unusual method you used to learn a skill. Once everyone is settled and those who want to have had a chance to share, move on to this video.
Sometimes we learn things from unexpected places. Let’s check out this video of unexpected training for football player Eddie George.
Share the following video [1:39]:
Why Professional Athletes Take Ballet
- Have you heard of professional athletes doing unusual cross training? What has that training included? (Answers will vary.)
- How does ballet help Eddie George on the football field? (It builds balance, flexibility, provides good cross training, etc.)
- What do you think George’s teammates would think of his dancing? (Answers will vary, but they may include making fun of him and not understanding why he does it.)
Ballet dancing may not be the usual route for training a football player, but it certainly seemed to help Eddie George! Our Bible story today takes Paul on a very unexpected journey. Let’s see how it plays out.