Some people say that there are two kinds of people in the world: the ones who won’t start anything without a plan and the ones who dive in with both feet! That might not be entirely true, of course. There are times when all of us are more cautious or less cautious, depending on the situation. Sometimes we think it is fine to go ahead without a plan; other times a plan seems important.
- Do you think you work better with a plan or without one? Why or why not? (Answers will vary.)
- What are some areas where it is really important to make sure you have a plan? (Possible answers: completing schoolwork, organizing a group project.)
Having a plan can be really important. If you go into a serious situation without a plan, or if you interfere with a good plan, the results can be completely unpredictable! In the clip we’re about to see, Buddy—long before he reinvented himself as Syndrome—tried to jump into being a hero without any plan at all, ignoring everyone who knows better and causing major problems along the way.
Share this video with your students [3:49]:
Incredibles Incrediboy Scenes
- Did Buddy have a plan? (Students may disagree. Some may say, Yes, but it wasn’t a very good one; he wanted to do things his way. Or they may say, No, he didn’t have a plan at all.)
- Would Buddy have been able to contribute in a positive way if he was willing to listen to a plan? (Answers may vary.)
Being a hero usually isn’t easy. The Bible is full of examples of heroes who were able to accomplish great things because they were willing to recognize and depend on God’s plan. Let’s take a look.