Early last year, the DuBois Area School District in northwestern Pennsylvania announced they would no longer be providing special education services for its sending districts. So one area school, Jefferson County Vocational Technical School, decided it would find a way to continue offering special ed to its students. Turning to its own personnel, school officials devised a co-teaching arrangement and an all-inclusive approach. “Co-teaching involves a regular instructor and a special ed. instructor working together to present the lesson,” explained Special Education Supervisor Amber Hathorn this month. This method “allows all learners to be in the regular education environment and learning at the same time as their peers.” Teaching teams are making a difference in this school.
Among the apostle Paul’s many co-laborers were the husband-wife team of Priscilla and Aquila. These two tentmakers from Rome became believers in Christ and joined Paul’s ministry in Corinth. They were an effective Gospel partnership, co-teaching the believers in Ephesus and also the gifted apologist named Apollos. Paul even declares that Priscilla and Aquila risked their lives for him (Romans 16:4). We are called to work together to explain the Gospel.
- When has a partnership with someone helped you achieve more than you could do alone?
- Who is a “power couple” you admire, and why?
- What other pairs of people did God use in Acts to further the Gospel?
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