Note: This activity can be done as a class, rather than an as individuals. If your class is meeting online, you can invite students to bring supplies to class and follow along while you demonstrate how to make the chimes. Or, you can make them for students as a demonstration without them following along.
- Who enabled Peter to speak boldly for Jesus? (The Holy Spirit.)
At the time of Pentecost, a mighty wind filled the house when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples. With the power of the Holy Spirit, the disciples acted boldly for God. As a reminder that we, too, can speak and act boldly for Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are going to make wind chimes.
Wind chime tutorial [2:57]:
How to make a Wind Chime reusing tin cans! Can Chime
When completing this as a group, each student can be assigned a step in the process. An adult should use a hammer and nail to put a hole in each can. Someone can measure and cut the twine, someone can thread the twine through the cans, and someone can tie the knots. Everyone can decorate a can using paint or duct tape. If using paint, allow time for the paint to dry. If using duct tape, to allow for sound effects, avoid taping where the cans make contact. Note: cans do not need to be decorated if supplies are not available. Experiment with different sized cans such as tuna cans, tomato paste cans, etc.
As each can is added to the chimes, students can share a way that he or she has personally witnessed others (or remembers someone from a Bible story) being bold for Jesus.
Invite students to take their chimes home and hang them in the house or outside under an overhang, keeping in mind they are not weather resistant. If you’re making the chimes as a class or demonstration, hang them somewhere students can see as you finish your lesson.
The Holy Spirit may not come to us today in a rushing wind that fills the room, but the Holy Spirit will fill us with what we need to share the love and message of Jesus. Throughout the week when we see the chimes move, even if we do not hear them make a sound, let’s stop and ask God for the Holy Spirit’s power to act and speak boldly for Him.
- What are some ways we can act boldly for God this week, sharing God’s love and the good news of Jesus from where we are right now or where we will be throughout the week? Consider who will see or hear what we do or say. (Answers will vary. For many this means doing something creative while maintaining social distancing. This might include making telephone calls or writing cards to mail to people.)
Close in prayer: Thank You, Holy Spirit, that You do not make us timid, but give us power, love, and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). We ask You to fill us with boldness to act and speak for Jesus this week regardless of our location and circumstances. In Jesus’ name, Amen.