As students enter the room, have them write the name of any teams they are involved in (examples: soccer team, children’s choir, family, Girl/Boy Scouts, band, school projects).
If you are meeting online, you can open a blank document and share your screen. As students enter the virtual meeting, you can ask them to share the name of any teams they are involved in. As they share examples, you can type them into the shared document.
Once everyone has gathered, have a few volunteers talk about the teams they wrote down and what they like about being part of that unit.
- What other activities require a team effort? (Answers will vary; allow students to think of other forms of team effort not listed on the board.)
You can look back through history and see huge feats, such as building the pyramids, the Revolutionary War, or even the Olympics, that were accomplished when people came together to pursue the same goal.
Recently, a large explosion in Beirut (bay-root), a city in the country of Lebanon, caused many people to lose their homes. Some people also lost family members in the explosion. Let’s watch this video clip to see how some people have chosen to help others in this difficult time.
Share the following video with your students [2:56]:
Beirut explosion: Exploring the damage after the blast
- What does this video teach us? (Answers: Illustrates people helping others; we can see what it looks like to work together; caring for others in difficult times.)
- What qualities should we have to be a good teammate to others? (Answers: We should be unselfish, patient, kind, helpful, etc.)
It’s important to be a person who can work well with others. When work well with others, we can accomplish anything God has purposed for us to do. Today we’re going to read about a time in the Bible when God’s workers weren’t working together as a team to complete the job He had assigned. Let’s see how the situation was handled and what we can learn from their experience.