Some people are over-packers. They might fill three suitcases for an overnight stay at a relative’s house. Why? “Just in case.” They might need this, or they might need that. They want to be sure they are prepared for anything that might come up. Over-packing is not limited to suitcases and trips. Over the years, females have been teased about packing “everything but the kitchen sink” into their pocketbooks. A grandmother’s, mother’s, or sister’s purse may hold adhesive bandages, a screwdriver, snacks, or an extra pair of socks.
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A Woman’s Purse is a Mysterious Thing
- What do you remember being retrieved from someone’s purse that successfully met a need? (Answers will vary; tissues, nail file, glue, pens, toilet paper, flashlight, candy, etc.)
- You may not carry a purse, but what about a book bag? What kinds of things, other than books, do you carry in your book bag? (Answers will vary; phone, pens, tissue, sweater, sports schedule, etc.)
- Why do people feel the need to be prepared for what may come up throughout the day? (Answers will vary; they do not want to be uncomfortable; they do not want to have to buy something; they like to feel in control, etc.)
Some will say we can never be too prepared. Who wants to be caught in a situation where you need an umbrella and do not have one, or where you need tissue but have none? Some situations, however, require a different kind of preparation—preparation that goes beyond filling a book bag, suitcase, or purse. Unexpected situations arise where we come face-to-face with temptation and need to have the words and strength ready to respond in a way that pleases God.
- What are some temptations that might appear when you are not expecting them? (Answers will vary; cheating on a test; joining others in picking on someone; telling a lie, etc.)
- When have you regretted not being able to resist a temptation? (Answers will vary.)
Let’s see what we can tuck away in our hearts and carry with us always, so we can be prepared to face circumstances that place temptations in front of us.