David C Cook COVID-19 Response

A Two-Three Prayer Punch

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Materials Needed:

  • Internet access

Do you ever feel awkward praying out loud—or with other people you don’t know? Let’s watch one Christian’s funny take on when public prayer feels more challenging than private prayer.

Share this clip with your students [0:10].
when you pray in your head vs out loud… 

When you finish watching the video, discuss the following questions:

  • Can you relate to this funny clip? Why is public prayer sometimes difficult for people? (Let students share their personal experience.)
  • How is individual prayer different from praying in groups? (Individual prayer is a more meditative and personal communication with Jesus, while corporate prayer builds up the entire Body of Christ in unity.)
  • Why can prayer be difficult for young people in particular? (It’s easy to get distracted, feel self-conscious, or become nervous about the judgments of others. Let students share their barriers to prayer.)

The Bible has a lot to say about prayer, and it can take many forms—whether in the silence of our rooms at home or the noisy community of other Christians in a large congregational meeting. But one thing we know for sure: God answers prayer.  

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • Prepared signs (1 each NO SPOTLIGHTS; NO GOSSIP; NO MAGIC WANDS)
  • Paper
  • Cardstock (1/2 sheet per student)
  • Pens/pencils

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