This is the time of year when seniors everywhere have one foot in high school and one foot in the future. Some of you may even know what it’s like to get a rejection letter from a college that you’ve applied to. Nobody likes disappointment, yet it’s a part of life—particularly as you get older and parents aren’t able to shield you from pain or rejection.
Someone who was recently rejected from Harvard decided to take action and funnel that disappointment into a response. Let’s take a look at this response:
Share this article with your students:
Harvard rejection letter
When you finish reading her letter, discuss the following questions:
- Obviously, this was a satirical response to her rejection. But why do you think it might resonate with people? (Answers may vary: Often we feel like we’re at the mercy of an admissions committee or someone else—people we don’t even know are making decisions about our future. We sometimes imagine a fantasy world where we have the upper hand, able to choose our own outcomes.)
- Describe a situation where you felt deep disappointment. What happened? (Let students share openly.)
- How does our perspective change once some time passes? (Often our initial disappointments are replaced by acceptance—and then time reveals things we couldn’t see at first.)
There’s no question that we’ll feel disappointment in life. But with our sadness comes the realization that our heavenly Father cannot and does not leave us in distress or trouble. He is eternally trustworthy. One particular young man had every reason to be disappointed in some horrible events that happened to him and his family. But as we’ll find out, God knew what He was doing all along.