David C Cook COVID-19 Response

God’s Mercy

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  • Internet access

Do you think giving second chances after someone messes up is a good idea? One business is hiring people that other businesses have disqualified due to bad behavior. Let’s take a look at how giving employees second chances can sometimes be good for business.

Play the following video for your students [1:20]: Second Chance Scholarship

  • This scholarship offers both money and support services for students. After the individuals receiving this scholarship complete their education, they will be eligible to join the workforce. Do you think it is it merciful to hire previously incarcerated individuals or just plain risky? Explain. (Some business owners might not want to take chances with someone with a proven record of breaking the law. Others might agree with this owner that it actually helps society by re-integrating prisoners into meaningful contributors to society.)
  • How does this program show mercy to young people? (They’re offered another chance, they’re given resources for education and employment, etc.)
  • Besides these types of programs, are there other situations where it might be a good idea to give a second chance to others? (Your students might bring up teachers who allow re-testing, coaches who put players back in the game after mistakes, parents who allow do-overs, etc.

When we’re the ones behaving well, it’s easy to preach about obedience and perfection. But when we’re the one who needs mercy, our opinions can shift! Thankfully for us, we have a God who has provided a second chance for His disobedient children.

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • Paper
  • Pens/pencils

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