David C Cook COVID-19 Response

We Need Each Other

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Materials Needed:

  • Internet access

All people, young and old, are designed for friendship. You’ve probably experienced good friendships, and you may also know what it feels like to feel left out or disconnected from friends. As our society becomes increasingly disconnected, people of all ages have felt lonelier and more disconnected from their friends over the last few years. This feeling of disconnection has become so common that it’s now commonly called “The Loneliness Epidemic.”

Play the following video for your students [6:05; stop at 0:55]: US surgeon general declares loneliness epidemic

When you’re finished, discuss the following questions with your class:

  • Think back to when you were in in elementary school. Was it easier or harder to make friends than in middle school? (Let students share their insights. Some might say that elementary school is harder because kids are less mature, but others might say that middle school is full of more jealousy, drama, and alliances.)
  • Do you think it’s hard for kids your age to reach out to others—especially if they’re different? Why or why not? (Kids are naturally cautious about new people. They want to be liked, and they worry about which friendships feel safe and nurturing.)
  • What strategies could work for making and building friendships in middle school? (Let students discuss other ways that their teachers or parents have tried to foster friendships in middle school.)
  • What is more valuable? A dozen or more friends—or just a few close ones? (Students will probably share the importance of one or two close friends. Having many friends, especially through social media alone, doesn’t guarantee closeness or loyalty.)

The Bible teaches us about God’s design for human interaction and friendship. Let’s take a look at some good instructions that will help us nurture healthy relationships with others. It’s how God made us!

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • String (1 – 5 ft. length for every other student)
  • Beach ball

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