David C Cook COVID-19 Response


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Materials Needed:

  • Internet access
  • Whiteboard and marker (or screenshared document)

Begin today’s lesson by discussing with your class what they know about respect and how it should be shown to those around us.

All of you have probably been in school long enough to recognize some of the rules that you are expected to follow every single year. 

  • What are some of the rules that you follow at school each year? (Answers may include following directions, being obedient, being kind, making good decisions, doing what you are told, etc.)

Make a list on a document and share it on your screen if you are meeting online. If you are meeting in person, make a list on a whiteboard (or screenshared document) as ideas are shared.

All of the rules we’ve listed are important for us to follow, not only while we are at school, but also in other areas of our lives. When we strive to follow the rules, we show respect to the people around us. 

  • What does it mean to show respect? (Treating someone in a way that shows their importance and value.)
  • To whom should we show respect? (Respect should be shown to everyone.) 
  • Is it easy to show respect, or is it hard? Give examples. (It can be easy AND hard! Allow students to explain their answers.) 
  • What kinds of things make it hard to show respect to someone else? (Answers will vary but might include: When the other person doesn’t show respect toward us, when we don’t agree with what the other person says or does, when that person has done something to hurt us, etc.)

This video shows a couple of ways athletes have shown respect to others. 

Share the following video with your students [8:41; start at 0:31; stop at 2:46]:

  • How did people show respect to them? (They gave away something that might be important to them and they showed care for others.)
  • What is the difference between liking someone and showing respect for them? (Answers will vary but might include: Liking someone is how we feel toward someone. Respect is how we treat others. We don’t have to like someone to respect them.)

Many times, when talking about respect, we think about giving respect to people in authority. 

  • What is an authority? (Someone who is in a position of leadership, who gives orders and makes decisions.)
  • Who is an authority over you? (Answers will vary, but may include parents, teachers, coaches, pastors, government officials, etc.)
  • Is respecting authority an easy or challenging thing to do? When is it easy? When is it hard? (Allow students to share examples from what they know or from their personal experiences.)

Jesus had the opportunity to teach others about respect when the religious leaders came to Him with questions about respecting and obeying authority. Today’s lesson allows us to take a closer look at what the religious leaders asked Jesus and how He responded.

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • Index cards or paper
  • Pens/pencils

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