- What does it mean to be obedient? (Students may say obedience is doing what someone else says, complying with an order, or following instructions.)
- Think of a time when you were obedient. What happened? (Answers will vary. Students may talk about obeying a parent, a coach, or a teacher.)
Listen to this definition of obedience: “Willing to do as told by someone in authority: willing to obey.” Being able to submit to authority and follow orders are important qualities for students, employees, and people in general.
Let’s watch a video about obedience in action.
Share the following video [0:30]:
Obedient dog stays inside a ring that owner puts on the ground
Do you know any dogs who could exhibit this level of obedience? (Accept all reasonable responses.)
Even if this dog wanted to leave the ring, chase after its owner, or seek attention from passersby, it chose obedience over giving into distractions.
- Have you ever felt distracted from obedience by your own desires? (Allow students to discuss and share a few personal experiences; be prepared to share your own age-appropriate experiences.)
A dog’s obedience is based on good training, its breed, the master’s control, and the individual temperament of the dog. But our obedience as humans can have many different motivations, including fear, respect for authority, and a desire for peace. Jesus set an example of extreme obedience. Let’s look at what the Bible shows us about His humility and obedience.